20 Non-negotiable Indicators for SMART VILLAGE
Human Development 100% Institutional Deliveries End all preventable maternal deaths End all preventable infant deaths Malnutrition free children (below 5 years of age) Zero school drop outs upto 12th class Environmental Development GP / Ward has trees in vacant land i.e. common land, road side, institutional premises GP / Ward has functional water conservation and harvesting structures n Functional solid / liquid waste management system Social Development End open defecation n End girl-child marriages (girls below 18 years of age) Good Governance GP / Ward has functional Information Centre i.e. Computer Lab, and MeeSeva Centre GP / Ward has telecom/ internet connectivity GP / Ward has functional grievance redressal system Gram Sabha/Ward Sabha held 4 times a year with 2/3rd attendance GP / Ward has its own dynamic development plan prepared by community participation Economic Development...